
All HTML headings, <h1>; through <h6>, are available.

This is a Heading h1

Suspendisse vel quam malesuada, aliquet sem sit amet, fringilla elit. Morbi tempor tincidunt tempor. Etiam id turpis viverra, vulputate sapien nec, varius sem. Curabitur ullamcorper fringilla eleifend. In ut eros hendrerit est consequat posuere et at velit.

This is a Heading h2

In nec rhoncus eros. Vestibulum eu mattis nisl. Quisque viverra viverra magna nec pulvinar. Maecenas pellentesque porta augue, consectetur facilisis diam porttitor sed. Suspendisse tempor est sodales augue rutrum tincidunt. Quisque a malesuada purus.

This is a Heading h3

Vestibulum auctor tincidunt semper. Phasellus ut vulputate lacus. Suspendisse ultricies mi eros, sit amet tempor nulla varius sed. Proin nisl nisi, feugiat quis bibendum vitae, dapibus in tellus.

This is a Heading h4

Nulla et mattis nunc. Curabitur scelerisque commodo condimentum. Mauris blandit, velit a consectetur egestas, diam arcu fermentum justo, eget ultrices arcu eros vel erat.

This is a Heading h5

Quisque nec turpis at urna dictum luctus. Suspendisse convallis dignissim eros at volutpat. In egestas mattis dui. Aliquam mattis dictum aliquet. Nulla sapien mauris, eleifend et sem ac, commodo dapibus odio. Vivamus pretium nec odio cursus elementum. Suspendisse molestie ullamcorper ornare.

This is a Heading h6

Donec ultricies, lacus id tempor condimentum, orci leo faucibus sem, a molestie libero lectus ac justo. ultricies mi eros, sit amet tempor nulla varius sed. Proin nisl nisi, feugiat quis bibendum vitae, dapibus in tellus.

Inline text
Styling for common inline HTML5 elements.

You can use the mark tag to highlight text.

This line of text is meant to be treated as deleted text.

This line of text is meant to be treated as no longer accurate.

This line of text is meant to be treated as an addition to the document.

This line of text will render as underlined

This line of text is meant to be treated as fine print.

This line rendered as bold text.

This line rendered as italicized text.

Coloured text
Contextual text classes.

This line of text contains the text-muted class.

This line of text contains the text-primary class.

This line of text contains the text-secondary class.

This line of text contains the text-success class.

This line of text contains the text-info class.

This line of text contains the text-warning class.

This line of text contains the text-danger class.

This line of text contains the text-dark class.